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A simple yet somehow overdesigned guestbook system featuring a simple control panel

This is phase I of the personal backscratchers project.

## πŸ“ Table of Contents - [πŸ“ Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents) - [🧐 About ](#-about-) - [πŸ“‘ Documentation ](#-documentation-) - [🏁 Getting Started ](#-getting-started-) - [πŸ•ΈοΈ Prerequisites](#️-prerequisites) - [Backend](#backend) - [Admin panel](#admin-panel) - [πŸš€ Deployment ](#-deployment-) - [Backend](#backend-1) - [Admin Panel](#admin-panel-1) - [⛏️ Built Using ](#️-built-using-) - [✍️ Authors ](#️-authors-) ## 🧐 About Guestbooky proposes something slightly deviating from the usual guestbook taken from 1998: while we gladly accept your messages, thank you very much, reading them is limited to the receiver. *I mean, of course they can show them to others should they want-*

Guestbooky Admin Panel

That means it is something useful for engaged couples and other folks with a moment or two to set everything up. I really need to get my hands dirty from time to time, so I figured I'd make a guestbook for my marriage hotsite. And make everyone else see this code. It includes many concepts that are very reasonable to tinker with as learning material, in a bite-sized project complexity that allows me to talk about it without losing the breadcrumb trail. ## πŸ“‘ Documentation [Comments and general documentation/musings on the project](docs/ ## 🏁 Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See [deployment](#deployment) for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ## πŸ•ΈοΈ Prerequisites ### Backend For running it locally: - .NET 8.0 - A running instance of MongoDB - A Cloudflare turnstile secret key for the captcha - Not forgetting to set up environment variables You will be able to see in `build/docker-compose.public.yml` that the application makes heavy usage of them. ``` - ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production - CORS_ORIGINS=,http://localhost:5008,http://localhost:8080 - ACCESS_USERNAME=user - ACCESS_PASSWORD=pass - ACCESS_TOKENKEY=pleaseinsertafairlylargetokenkeyherewillyou - ACCESS_ISSUER= - ACCESS_AUDIENCE= - CLOUDFLARE_SECRET=0x000000000000000000000000000000000 - MONGODB_CONNECTIONSTRING=mongodb://mongouser:mongopass@mongo:27017/Guestbooky - MONGODB_DATABASENAME=Guestbooky - LOG_LEVEL=Debug ``` > [!IMPORTANT] You will need to set them up either by hand or by using your IDE's capabilities. On Visual Studio, that can be done via the Debug Properties of Guestbooky.API. |Env Variable Keys|Usage| |----|----| |**CORS_ORIGINS**, **ACCESS_\***|Variables related to JWT issuing and checking. In order to use the GET and DELETE endpoints for the messages, you need to use a bearer token.| |**CLOUDFLARE_SECRET**|The turnstile secret, used in the server portion of the captcha check.| |**MONGODB_\***|Related to the connection to MongoDB. Yeah.| |**LOG_\***|Logging.| > [!TIP] > For local usage of the backend, you can use `docker-compose.local.yml` and edit the fields you need. ### Admin panel The admin panel is a simple React app built through Vite. If you haven't done so, the prerequisites are: - Node v18+ - NPM or any other package manager - Vite Using [nvm]( should make things straightforward enough for your environment if you don't have Node up yet. Then do the usual `npm i` (or equivalent) in the Admin Panel's `src/Guestbooky-admin` folder and such to get the packages, which should include Vite. For development, it should be enough to run `vite` in Guestbooky-admin's `src` folder. ## πŸš€ Deployment ### Backend Use `docker-compose.public.yml` as a basis. it should create the image for you and start running. ### Admin Panel In order to create a live version, adjust the **API_URL** path in `Guestbooky-admin/src/environment/constants.js`, and execute `vite build`. The application will be prepared and sent to `src/Guestbooky-admin/dist`. Send to your hosting solution and you should be good. ## ⛏️ Built Using - [MongoDB]( - Database - [.NET]( - Backend - [React]([Vite]( - Admin Panel - [Cloudflare Turnstile]( - Captcha ## ✍️ Authors - [@cotti]( | [](